Get to Know a Charging Station Host: Posty Cards
Posty Cards, which designs and prints personalized business greeting cards and calendars, has long been a leader in sustainability. The company first installed an EV charging station in 2010 as part of a green-focused renovation. Now, they host six EV charging stations that power 12 electric vehicles (with free charging) at their Kansas City, Missouri headquarters.
Located near the 18th and Vine district (also near Evergy’s Connect Center), the Posty Cards facility showcases sustainability features such as 388 solar panels that produce 20 percent of the company’s energy needs and a two-acre, native plant landscaping and rain garden. Along with the charging stations, the employee parking lot offers preferred parking for EV and hybrid vehicles to encourage use.
Sustainability coordinator Tina Moessner shared why encouraging EV adoption has been an important priority for the company.
Why did you want to offer EV charging?
“We strive to be a model of what is possible for sustainable businesses. We wanted to be an early leader in advancing the technology and infrastructure for sustainable transportation, as well as have the opportunity to offer convenient EV charging to employees and the community.”
How did your commitment to electric vehicle charging begin and develop?
“Posty Cards installed the first privately-owned EV charging stations in Kansas City in 2010 during the expansion of our facility, which became one of the first manufacturing plants in the U.S. to earn the LEED Platinum® rating – the highest rating possible. Since then, we’ve joined the U.S. Department of Energy’s Workplace Charging Challenge and partnered with Evergy to install six Clean Charge Network stations. Last year, we announced an electric vehicle incentive program, where we offer a $1,500 benefit to employees that purchase an EV or PHEV to commute to and from work. We’ve also partnered with Evergy, Nissan and ChargePoint to promote additional incentives.”
How have you seen electric transportation grow?
“As the technology has advanced and lowered the costs of EVs, and as Kansas City has been able to expand its charging station network, we have seen more and more EVs on the streets. We’d love to tell drivers to come and charge at Posty Cards anytime! Grab some Arthur Bryant’s BBQ just around the corner. If you visit during business hours, you might just get invited to take a free sustainability tour.”