New Year’s Resolutions for EV Drivers
As the calendar flips from one year to the next, some people turn to making resolutions to better themselves. But what if you could also make a New Year’s resolution to better the world by encouraging EV adoption? Here are eight actions you can take in 2019 to advance the electric vehicle revolution.
1. Start a conversation
Start a conversation with friends and acquaintances about driving electric. Fear of change can be a barrier to adoption, so sharing your personal experiences will have impact.
2. Give Someone a Ride
Give people the opportunity to ride in your EV. Offer to drive to a work lunch, take over the carpool for a night or run errands with a friend.
3. Post Often on Social Media
Post often about your EV experiences on social media, or share interesting articles about EVs. It’s a wonderful way to spread the message to a wider audience.
4. Volunteer at Events
Volunteer at an event that encourages EV adoption; EV drivers make the best advocates! Or, organize an event yourself— perhaps a ride and drive at your workplace or an EV car show.
5. Thank a Station Host
If you charge at a Clean Charge Network station, take a moment to thank the station host for their support. You can express your appreciation in person or on the destination’s social media pages.
6. Advocate for Free Charging
If a Clean Charge stations you visit frequently isn’t a free station, ask the station host if they might consider covering the cost of electricity for drivers.
7. Encourage the Addition of Stations
Encourage destinations that don’t currently host charging stations to consider adding one. You can find more about the benefits of hosting charging stations at cleanchargenetwork.com.
8. Ask Dealers for More EVs
Ask your local auto dealerships to begin carrying more EVs on the showroom floor. Or, if a model isn’t typically offered in the area, call the manufacturer to request it.